
using graphviz via haskell

One of the tools I use for drawing graphs is dot from Graphviz. Recently I was drawing a series of diagrams that have mostly identical parts. It was error-prone and a pain to keep the identical parts in sync between the multiple *.dot files. I found Haskell’s Data.GraphViz package to be the solution.

The documentation for that package is great, but it needs a few more examples. The purpose of this post is to add examples to the pool.


This post uses the following extension and imports:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main where

import           Data.Graph.Inductive
import           Data.GraphViz
import           Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete
import           Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised   as G
import           Data.GraphViz.Types.Monadic
import           Data.Text.Lazy                    as L
import           Data.Word
import           WriteRunDot

creating dot graphs from Data.Graph.Inductive input

When searching for Data.GraphViz examples one of the most useful I found was

It shows how to turn Data.Graph.Inductive graphs into dot graphs. The input:

ex1 :: Gr Text Text
ex1 = mkGraph [ (1,"one")
              , (3,"three")
              [ (1,3,"edge label") ]

ex1Params :: GraphvizParams n L.Text L.Text () L.Text
ex1Params = nonClusteredParams { globalAttributes = ga
                               , fmtNode          = fn
                               , fmtEdge          = fe
  where fn (_,l)   = [textLabel l]
        fe (_,_,l) = [textLabel l]

        ga = [ GraphAttrs [ RankDir   FromLeft
                          , BgColor   [toWColor White]
             , NodeAttrs  [ shape     BoxShape
                          , FillColor (myColorCL 2)
                          , style     filled

along with some color helper functions:

-- http://www.colorcombos.com/color-schemes/2025/ColorCombo2025.html
myColorCL :: Word8 -> ColorList
myColorCL n | n == 1 = c $ (RGB 127 108 138)
            | n == 2 = c $ (RGB 175 177 112)
            | n == 3 = c $ (RGB 226 206 179)
            | n == 4 = c $ (RGB 172 126 100)
 where c rgb = toColorList [rgb]

myColor :: Word8 -> Attribute
myColor n = Color $ myColorCL n

results in:


creating dot graphs from a Data.GraphViz Haskell representation

Besides supporting Data.Graph.Inductive, Data.GraphViz provides several Haskell representations: canonical, generalized, graph and monadic. The monadic representation looks very similar to dot notation:

ex2 :: G.DotGraph L.Text
ex2 = digraph (Str "ex2") $ do

    graphAttrs [RankDir FromLeft]
    nodeAttrs  [style filled]

    cluster (Int 0) $ do
        node "Ready"               [ textLabel "ready"
                                   , shape DoubleCircle, myColor 1, FixedSize True, Width 1]
    cluster (Int 1) $ do
        graphAttrs [textLabel "active"]
        node "Open"                [ textLabel "open"
                                   , shape       Circle, myColor 2, FixedSize True, Width 1]
        node "OpenExpectFragment"  [ textLabel "open expect\nfragment"
                                   , shape       Circle, myColor 2, FixedSize True, Width 1]
        node "HalfClosed"          [ textLabel "half-clsd"
                                   , shape       Circle, myColor 2, FixedSize True, Width 1]
        node "endMessage?"         [ textLabel "end req?"
                                   , shape DiamondShape, myColor 4, FixedSize True, Width 1.25, Height 1.25]
        node "fragmentEndMessage?" [ textLabel "end req?"
                                   , shape DiamondShape, myColor 4, FixedSize True, Width 1.25, Height 1.25]
        node "requestFragment"     [ textLabel "FRAGMENT"
                                   , shape     BoxShape, myColor 3]

        "Open"                     --> "endMessage?"
        edge "endMessage?"             "HalfClosed"          [textLabel "true"]
        edge "endMessage?"             "OpenExpectFragment"  [textLabel "false"]
        "OpenExpectFragment"       --> "requestFragment"
        "requestFragment"          --> "fragmentEndMessage?"
        edge "fragmentEndMessage?"     "OpenExpectFragment"  [textLabel "false"]
        edge "fragmentEndMessage?"     "HalfClosed"          [textLabel "true"]

    cluster (Int 2) $ do
        graphAttrs [textLabel "done"]
        node "Closed"              [ textLabel "closed"
                                   , shape DoubleCircle, myColor 1, FixedSize True, Width 1]

    -- outside the box(es)
    node "request"                 [ textLabel "REQUEST"
                                   , shape     BoxShape, myColor 3]
    node "response"                [ textLabel "RESPONSE"
                                   , shape     BoxShape, myColor 3]

    "Ready"      --> "request"
    "request"    --> "Open"

    "HalfClosed" --> "response"
    "response"   --> "Closed"

The above results in (a diagram for the beginnings of a simple wire protocol with possibly fragmented request messages and single response messages):


minor limitation and workaround

Quite often I create diagrams that do not use clustering but have different node types, each type with a distinct shape, size and color. In dot, one can factor the shared attributes via subgraph:

digraph ex3 {
    graph [rankdir=LR];
    subgraph {
        node [shape=doublecircle,fixedsize=true,width=1,style=filled,color="#7f6c8a"];
        Open [label=open];
        Closed [label=closed];
    subgraph {
        node [shape=circle,fixedsize=true,width=1,style=filled,color="#7f6c8a"];
        ClosedWaitingAck [label="clsd waiting\nACK"];
    subgraph {
        node [shape=box,width=1,style=filled,color="#e2ceb3"];
        cancel [label=CANCEL];
        cancelAck [label=CANCEL_ACK];
    Open -> cancel;
    cancel -> ClosedWaitingAck;
    ClosedWaitingAck -> cancelAck;
    cancelAck -> Closed;

which results in:


Data.GraphViz supports subgraph for Data.Graph.Inductive graphs via the isDotCluster setting in GraphvizParams.

It also supports subgraph for Data.GraphViz.Types Canonical and Generalised graphs via setting isCluster to False for their appropriate DotSubGraph types.

However, Graph and Monadic do not (yet) have a setting that supports subgraph.

The dot output above was produced from:

ex3 :: G.DotGraph L.Text
ex3 = digraph (Str "ex3") $ do

    graphAttrs [RankDir FromLeft]

    cluster (Int 0) $ do
        nodeAttrs               [shape DoubleCircle, FixedSize True, Width 1, style filled, myColor 1]
        node "Open"             [textLabel "open"]
        node "Closed"           [textLabel "closed"]

    cluster (Int 1) $ do
        nodeAttrs               [shape       Circle, FixedSize True, Width 1, style filled, myColor 1]
        node "ClosedWaitingAck" [textLabel "clsd waiting\nACK"]

    cluster (Int 2) $ do
        nodeAttrs               [shape     BoxShape,                 Width 1, style filled, myColor 3]
        node "cancel"           [textLabel "CANCEL"]
        node "cancelAck"        [textLabel "CANCEL_ACK"]

    "Open"             --> "cancel"
    "cancel"           --> "ClosedWaitingAck"
    "ClosedWaitingAck" --> "cancelAck"
    "cancelAck"        --> "Closed"

which almost has what I want as output:

digraph exe {
    graph [rankdir=LR];
    subgraph cluster_0 {

Manually removing the cluster_N after subgraph gives me what I want.

If cluster_N is not removed what results is:


which is not what I’m after.


Since all of Haskell is available to build the graph, one can do:

doubleCircle :: n -> Text -> Dot n
doubleCircle n l = node n [textLabel l, shape DoubleCircle, FixedSize True, Width 1, style filled, myColor 1]

circle       :: n -> Text -> Dot n
circle       n l = node n [textLabel l, shape       Circle, FixedSize True, Width 1, style filled, myColor 1]

rectangle    :: n -> Text -> Dot n
rectangle    n l = node n [textLabel l, shape     BoxShape,                 Width 1, style filled, myColor 3]

open, closed, waiting, cancel, cancelAck :: Dot L.Text
open      = doubleCircle "Open"             "open"
closed    = doubleCircle "Closed"           "closed"
waiting   = circle       "ClosedWaitingAck" "clsd waiting\nACK"
cancel    = rectangle    "cancel"           "CANCEL"
cancelAck = rectangle    "cancelAck"        "CANCEL_ACK"

ex4 :: G.DotGraph L.Text
ex4 = digraph (Str "ex4") $ do

    graphAttrs [RankDir FromLeft]
    open; closed; waiting; cancel; cancelAck

    "Open"             --> "cancel"
    "cancel"           --> "ClosedWaitingAck"
    "ClosedWaitingAck" --> "cancelAck"
    "cancelAck"        --> "Closed"

This results in the exact same output as the manually editted graph:


I also use the above “trick” to factor out common parts of graphs and share them (my original motivation for using Data.GraphViz instead of manually writing dot).

creating images

Images for these examples can be created using the utilities (the important piece being runGraphvizCommand and addExtension):

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}

module WriteRunDot where

import           Control.Monad   (forM_)
import           Data.GraphViz
import           System.FilePath

doDots :: PrintDotRepr dg n => [(FilePath, dg n)] -> IO ()
doDots cases = forM_ cases createImage

createImage :: PrintDotRepr dg n => (FilePath, dg n) -> IO FilePath
createImage (n, g) = createImageInDir "/tmp" n Png g

createImageInDir :: PrintDotRepr dg n => FilePath -> FilePath -> GraphvizOutput -> dg n -> IO FilePath
createImageInDir d n o g = Data.GraphViz.addExtension (runGraphvizCommand Dot g) o (combine d n)

and use the utilities via:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    doDots [ ("ex1" , graphToDot ex1Params ex1) ]
    doDots [ ("ex2" , ex2)
           , ("ex3" , ex3)
           , ("ex4" , ex4)


Using Data.GraphViz I can now write dot diagrams but use Haskell to factor out the common parts of similar diagrams (not shown in the examples above). Of course, I also have the full power of Haskell available. And, when using a interactive Haskell environment (see Tim Dysinger’s emacs environment), the IDE catches type errors, syntax errors, duplicates, etc., while your write. A great improvement over manually writing and maintaining *.dot files.

source code

The emacs org-mode literate source code of this article is available at:

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